Wednesday, 14 November 2007


The thought of the phenomenon of vision has always perplexed me. Going by the common knowledge of creation, one can imagine that necessity is the mother of all creations. This means that first there were the single celled Protozoa, which then evolved into slightly more complex single celled organisms, maybe with more efficient flagellum for hunting. These then evolved into multi celled hydra. Eventually, there were bigger and far more complex creations, each one better than its predecessor, always improving one step at a time.

Let’s head a little bit further into evolution. There came a stage when nature decided that a new faculty member known as vision had to be created. Vision-The phenomenon by which light from your surroundings enters your ‘eye’ and the brain draws a mental picture based on this light by the virtue of which you are able to perceive your surroundings mentally. My question is this. What in nature necessitated this phenomenon to actually take place? Why was there a need to perceive a metal picture of things around us? How did nature think of this complex procedure of light entering this organ and then processing it to obtain vision?

Imagine that all humans were born blind, that none of us had ever had the sense of vision. We all lived in harmony with just the perceptions already present.

I bet that no one would ever think of imagining concepts like colour, brightness, darkness etc. To think that it was once just like this, and then nature decided that we ought to experience colour, beauty and other aesthetics.

Ps –The ideas of evolution may not be in complete agreement to those believed by evolutionists today. Never-the-less, the central idea still remains the same – the occurrence of vision.

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